20th December, 2013 - G-Cloud Spend to end of November 2013
Spend for November 2013 has now been included.
Highlights are:
- Spend in November was £10.5m.
- Spend in October was revised upwards from £7.0m to £9.8m.
- There is a trend of upward revision of previous months data - expect Nov to be revised upwards in Jan.
- Total spend is £77.8m with £70.7m being in 2013 (£7.1m in 2012).
Spread of the framework
- 21 new customers joined the framework this month (bringing the total to 336).
- 13 new suppliers joined the framework this month (bringing the total to 212).
- We forecast the first £10m month this year, delighted to report that November was the first £10m+ month.
- We have increased the forecast spend for 2013 from £75m to £80m
- We have increased the forecast spend for 2014 to £150m. Based on growth rates in both spend and the number
of organisations using the framework, £200m+ would not be a surprise in 2014 and £250m suddenly seems possible.
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Previous news releases and presentations can be found at
G-Cloud News - November 2013
G-Cloud News - October 2013