G-Cloud News
7th Feb 2013 - G-Cloud Spend to end of December 2013
Spend for December 2013 has now been included.
Highlights are:
- Impressive growth - G-Cloud spend per month (£14m) is now about twice that of the entire year in 2012 (£7m)
- Spend in December was £11.1m. Expect this to be revised upwards when the Jan 2014 data is released (our guess to about £14m).
- Spend in November was revised upwards from £10.5m to £14.0m.
- There were many significant revisions of spend data going back to the beginning of the framework - details below.
- Total spend is £92.6m with £85.6m being in 2013 (£7.1m in 2012).
Spread of the framework
- 22 new customers joined the framework this month (bringing the total to 346).
- 22 new suppliers joined the framework this month (bringing the total to 238).
- Total Spend is significantly exceeding our forecasts. Our original forecast was £75m for 2013, revised last month to £80m. It looks like
Total Spend will get close to £90m in 2013 when December figures are finalised.
- We have increased the forecast spend for 2013 from £80m to £90m
- We are holding our forecast spend for 2014 at £150m. However, based on the revised November figures this month - this is likely top be revised upwards.
Based on growth rates in both spend and the number
of organisations using the framework, £200m+ would not be a surprise in 2014 and £250m is definitely in sight possible.
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Previous news releases and presentations can be found at
G-Cloud News - January 2014
G-Cloud News - December 2013
G-Cloud News - November 2013
G-Cloud News - October 2013