G-Cloud News
13th June 2014 - G-Cloud Spend to end of May 2014
Spend for May 2014 has now been included.
Highlights are:
- Total spend is £191m with £97m so far in 2014 (£87m being in 2013, £7.1m in 2012).
- Spend with Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) continues at pace. We expect spend with SMEs for 2014 to be over £130m, compared to £42m in 2013. SME spend in 2014 is £61m.
- Spend in May was £12m. This is below trend; we think that the reason is mostly a timing issue.
Last month, spend was reported at £16m and then revised upwards this month to £20m.
Cabinet Office has started to release data earlier in the month and we think some suppliers struggle to make the earlier reporting deadline.
- The new Digital Services Framework (DSF) is impacting Lot 4 spend - we are starting to see agile development services move to DSF from g-cloud.
This is expected and is part of Government's strategy. 'Agile' spend has been comfortably over £1m a month since October 2013. Last month (April) it was £913k and this month (May) £565k.
Spread of the framework
- The number of customers continues to grow strongly - up 43 last month and 18 this month (bringing the total to 491).
- The number of suppliers is growing, but more slowly than the customer base - up 12 last month and 10 this month (bringing the total to 322).
- We have revised our forecast for 2014 to £250m (up from £200m).
- Spend is building strongly and the number of organisations buying from the framework is growing.
- The trend figure for spend topped £20m a month for the first time in April. We expect average monthly spend to increase to £30m a month by year end.
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Previous news releases and presentations can be found at
G-Cloud News - Apr 2014
G-Cloud News - Mar 2014
G-Cloud News - Feb 2014
G-Cloud News - Jan 2014
G-Cloud News - Dec 2013
G-Cloud News - Nov 2013
G-Cloud News - Oct 2013